You can find many ways to get more visitors to your website. You can go to forums that allow it and answer a question and put up a link to your site. On some of these sites, it helps you to get more traffic from search engines. Sometimes your answer will be ideal for that person asking the question. Someone on a forum wanted to know what Kevin Trudeau's miracle cure for being overweight was before spending all that money for his book. I sent him to my site and he read about it. Then he thanked me for saving him all that money which would have made him feel like a sucker who was ripped off. Since then, the F.T.C. Federal Trade Commission) has gone attacked Kevin Trudeau for claiming that you can eat whatever you want on the infomercial while the book says that you should not eat any unhealthy food. Another way to create more traffic is by finding directories online and putting your link on their website. There are some companies that you can pay to do this for you. You may find that some of these site want you to put a link back to them, but others do not. These links can help you get more traffic from the search engines. There are hundreds of these directories out there. Some let you use the code to make a keyword (or term) the link instead of the address of the site. So you can make "vampire antidote" the link to your site. Then this will help you when someone does a search on a search engine for "vampire antidote." This is better than a link that just says ""Another way is to write articles and submit the article to article sites like with what you are reading right now. In exchange, they put up a link to your website. The link is usually in the author or bio information. Some only allow text, so you have to just put up your url like "" Some allow html where you put in the code so the link will say "vampire antidote." Some of these article sites gets lot of traffic so you can even get people coming to your site from the article. There are others sites that get a small amount of traffic but the links can help you with search engines. To see how much traffic a website gets, see the site. Also you can check on a site's Google PR rank to see how much a link from them will help you with the search engines. There are hundreds of these article sites and they are growing everyday. I may put up a list of them on my website in the future. Also I may create my own article site in the future and I already have a blog. These articles create a great deal of free information on the world wide web. Sometimes you can get some valuable information from reading these articles. Also when you get one of these articles put up on a site (published), you can say that you are a writer who writes articles. This way the information that is out there is not just controlled by the publishers, but it is controlled by the people, like you and me. It is a great example of the first amendment of the United States Constitution at work. It will be interesting to see the changes that happen with the world wide web being so new. Many of the founders of the U.S.A. were writers. I check out these links and most of them have active links to my site. Sometimes a site will have an inactive link and I will contact them to let them know that it is part of the condition to be able to have my article on their site. There are sites that have problems with getting their site to do what they want. Once in a while they use the code rel="no follow" which means that they have the intention to benefit from using your article without you benefiting as far as the search engines go. I click on VIEW and then SOURCE to look for this code. Tell the sites that do this to remove your article. You can also tell them that you will spread the word about them. You can even write an article about it and they may even put it on their site without realizing what they are doing. A few days ago on a forum I saw someone asking if the article sites actually put up a link to you or just use your article without doing anything for you so this has answered that question. Copyright 2008 by Chuck Bluestein About the Author Chuck Bluestein is an herbalist, webmaster, nutritionist, and an expert on fasting. His website has information on losing weight, colds and flus, healthy diet, weight loss, lemonade diet, depression and anxiety self help, fasting, natural cures and finding happiness.


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